While playing the audio in the program, you see an image,like a poster that can be clicked on. The interaction between the two is whatmakes a Spotify audio ad a bit different from the usual audio spot. 2.-VideoThere are two options: Takeover video: This format consists of a spot with anintegral display unit. It is broadcast during the advertising breaks betweensongs in a musical session. It also has the advantage that only fullvisualizations are billed. Something important if you consider that the videois only served if you are viewing the app. But, currently, it is only availablein the desktop version. Sponsored Session: To share the magic of “A Star IsBorn” music, Warner Brothers partnered with Spotify to create a video ad with3D sound. With this unique and innovative format, your ad managed to move themovie from the screen to Spotify.
Listen with headphones to experience Germany Email List the 3D effect. 3.-Display The display ads on Spotify are more or less the same as the ones youcan see on other platforms. Display ads are shown to users for 30 seconds,remain visible all the time (unless Spotify is minimized). And do not show upat the same time as another ad. In general, banner ads are displayed at the topof the Spotify browser when a user signs in. Then, when you are alreadylistening to a playlist or song selection, the display ad moves to the bottomof the page. The display ad is presented when the user returns to the Spotifyapp. You can click on the ad, and it takes you to the corresponding website.There are three types of display ads as you can see here. They are thefollowing: Homepage Takeover: The Homepage Takeover is clickable and supportsrich media. Spotify’s home is transformed into a specific brand. That is thedesign changes for a while.
Megabanner: It is the type of advertisement presented above.It usually starts by taking part of the screen and ends at the bottom. Overlay:The overlay remains in full-screen mode until the user interacts with theannouncement, click on the X or somewhere in the Spotify app. Or else, whenmore than 30 seconds pass. 4.- Sponsorship, make your own playlist on SpotifyAdvertising on Spotify may be too expensive for some brands. But it is anexcellent marketing move that will not entail any massive outlay of money:create a playlist. Since the inception of Spotify, billions of playlists havebeen created by individuals and brands alike and can help spread the name ofyour company. Creating a playlist for your brand is easy, fast and does notcost a single euro (unless you want to sponsor it for something in particular).Nike Women, for example, has a playlist for runners, for high-intensityworkouts or for the Gym. Advertising on Spotify is an excellent option. Butcreating a brand playlist is also a great marketing strategy. It is free andprovides a method to interact directly with users.