Set an appropriate SEO title The SEO title is what is known as the title tag . It is the title of the page that is published. This title does not have to be exactly the same as the H, which is the title of the publication itself. It is advisable to make some variations between both titles, although it is important that the keyword appears in both. The SEO title cannot be very long. It is usually recommended that it does not exceed characters. If you do so, it will not appear complete in Google results, but rather cut off with ellipses. In addition to characters,
Google also takes into account the width of pixels, so it is important to avoid many uppercase Mexico Phone Number Data letters they take up more than lowercase letters or question marks. . Optimize the meta description The meta description is a short summary of the content of the published page. It must also include the chosen keyword and must be made up of certain characters the minimum will be and will be enough. In this case the same thing happens as with the title tag. In addition to the characters, you must consider what these are to avoid those that have a large pixel width and the text is cut off. .
Slug optimization Before we mentioned that another factor that influences CTR within SEO is the URL. Well, this is where the slug comes into play. The slug is the part of a pages URL that appears after the domain. Among its features It must include the keyword. It has to be as short as possible. To do this, try to delete any words that are not providing meaning. For example, articles and prepositions. Do not add ñ, accents or special characters. The words in the slug must be separated by hyphens. .