Russia and China have good potential for developing cooperation in open source software, mobile operating systems (OS), data processing centers (DPC) and information security (IS). Cooperation in the field of communications is at a high level. A number of bilateral projects are already being implemented that are aimed at introducing digital solutions in various areas of life. This was stated on May 23 during a speech at the plenary session of the Russian-Chinese business forum in Shanghai by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.
DataRu CEO Roman Gots told RSpectr that the potential for developing cooperation in the IT sphere between Russia and China is truly enormous. But the factors that influence it can lead over content writing service time to both an increase and strengthening of joint work and a decrease in its intensity.
HRlink Development Director Dmitry Makhlin knows from his conversations with Chinese colleagues that the country is focused on cooperation with Russia. This is confirmed by the figures: according to the General Administration of Customs of China, trade turnover between our countries increased by almost 30% last year, exceeding $190 billion.

countries are particularly interested in partnership in the IT sector
Bilateral projects on digitalization of a number of industries are already being implemented, cooperation in terms of open source software is developing. In early April, a dialogue took place on a business mission to China and the formation of bilateral working groups in the IT sector - HRlink participated in a similar initiative in India. This allowed the company to establish contacts with local entrepreneurs and receive the first applications for the implementation of its products in the country. Therefore, the expert sees great prospects for this format of interaction between the countries.
Deputy CEO of RED SOFT Rustam Rustamov told RSpectr that Russian and Chinese developers already have experience of interaction. They exchange competencies in software development and support, and also participate in joint projects. For example, RED SOFT continues cooperation with one of the major Chinese vendors to improve the Open Euler operating system. The project is based on open source code.
Commercial Director of Avanpost Alexander Sanin told RSpectr that China's IT market is very capacious. Businesses are in demand for solutions for storing and processing data, including security tools and services that can improve customer service. Systems for automating production and business processes are gradually becoming in demand.
Delta Computers CEO Andrey Chernyshev told RSpectr that many Russian data center equipment manufacturers experienced significant restrictions in access to the component base of various technologies last year — American vendors stopped cooperating with them. Therefore, the Russian government's course on strengthening cooperation with China is very important for domestic developers of data center equipment. According to the expert, all organizations need to have broad opportunities for cooperation with Chinese manufacturers in order to gain access to their electronic component base.
Roman Gots believes that cooperation between Russia and China may be affected, first of all, by geopolitical changes. He recalled that documents were recently signed implying the deepening of relations between Russia and China in the areas of trade, medicine, sports and intellectual property. It is predicted that already this year the countries will increase their mutual trade turnover to 200 billion dollars. The expert noted that.