Start looking for patterns that emerge, which might indicate how they got those links in the first place. get customers with competitive researchThe above example shows the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego has successfully run holiday promotions in the past that have been picked up by major news outlets. There’s your next campaign idea!However, simply copying the same approach isn’t newsworthy. So push yourself (and your team) to build on this idea, trying to take the initial concept and elevate it to improve the eventual effectiveness.
You don’t want to compete head on with the Greece WhatsApp Number Data larger competition. Somehow, someway, you need to do something different that will leverage your small company’s own unique characteristics—you know, that whole USP (unique selling prop) thing.12. Cross Promotions & PartnershipsPlease fight the urge to roll your eyes on this one. Yes, cross-promos are so 1995. But they still work! (Assuming, of course, you’re doing it better/different/cheaper.

They also work for virtually any kind of business.For example, product company? Check out Moz Perks which hooks you up with awesome partner deals. (I’ve personally used these introductory deals to find new tools, and now use at least 5 of them.) cross promotions for getting customersA boring tax accountancy instead? Easy. Go find lawyers, real estate and mortgage brokers to partner with. Guess whose clients need your help (and vice versa).