Followers of your current/potential contributors' pages are probably also your target audience and will see your comments, giving you the opportunity to get new fans to your page . On LinkedIn we can also identify new collaborators and help our current collaborators. These are some examples of actions: Add potential collaborators to your network : if you have sufficiently informed yourself about their business, remember that the first objective of contact is to arouse interest and gain trust , not to get a sale. This should be reflected in the message of the contact request, otherwise you will be too direct and will often be rejected for having a clear commercial intention.
Recommend and comment on the posts of your potential collaborators when Phone Number Data they have added you to their network of contacts. . You can help him expand his network of contacts by making introductions . Use social networks to offer your collaboration and look for collaborators when writing content on Blogs . Thanks to the creation of content you will be able to make yourself known among the readers of your collaborators and vice versa, in addition to discovering synergies and complementing knowledge , you will be generating external links to your blog and attracting visits to your pages.

Once the collaborative relationship is advanced, you will be able to propose co-brading actions, exchange of links and all those that occur to you. Key factors of Social Media collaboration. Empathy Understand your potential collaborators, study their business model and present them with collaboration opportunities that are interesting for both of you. Trust Trust is earned with time and a long-term relationship, social media helps us achieve it. Worry about getting to know both your collaborators and your clients. Commitment The collaboration agreement must finally be presented in writing and with common objectives, milestones and compliance tasks for both parties.